Every year PAHS has a spirit week the week of homecoming to get people in the school spirit for the homecoming game. This year the game is Friday, October 13th against Wilson. Not only will current students, staff, family and friends be at the game but so will alumni of PASD.
Due to no school for students on Monday, October 9th the homecoming spirit week kicked off on Tuesday, October 10th with the students and staff wearing their designated color for each grade: the staff wore blue, seniors wore red, juniors wore black, sophomores wore gray and freshmen wore white.
Wednesday, October 11th was the day that students and staff dressed like tourists. Pictured below is guidance counselor Mr. Gradwell who participated in Wednesdays theme by dressing like a tourist.

On Thursday, October 12th students and staff wore their patriotic attire. Pictured below is Vice Principal, Mr. Guistwite, Office Secretary, Mrs. Ryan, Office Secretary, Mrs. Holden, and history teacher, Mrs. Watt who all participated by wearing their patriotic attire.

To end the week Friday, October 13th students and staff wore their PAHS Crimson Tide attire. Then at the football game there was a pink out to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.