The student news site of Pottsville Area High School

Tide Lines

The student news site of Pottsville Area High School

Tide Lines

The student news site of Pottsville Area High School

Tide Lines


Letters to the editor, guest columns and all materials submitted  must include the author’s name, signature and class or position. Typed, double-spaced letters are preferred, but legible, handwritten submissions, are acceptable. Letters can be mailed, hand-delivered or e-mailed. Tide Lines will not publish anything deemed libelous, obscene or in poor taste, in accordance with the Supreme Court’s justified standards. Rights are reserved to postpone, edit or withhold from publication anything submitted which does not meet specifications. The meaning of any submission will not be altered, but Tide Lines reserves the right to correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when necessary. Additionally, Tide Lines refuses to print criticisms that are not constructive and supported by facts.

When submitting material, whether a letter to the editor, guest column, ETC artwork, etc, we prefer that a photo or video accompanies the submission. If providing a digital photo, we ask that the photo be horizontal and formatted as a PNG file at 72 DPI. Video should also be horizontal and in the Quicktime movie or H.264 format. Tide Lines does not guarantee that any submitted photos or videos will be displayed on the website.

If you are interested in submitting digital material to Tide Lines, it can be e-mailed to [email protected] or [email protected].