Boredom Busters
When you’re cooped up in your house without a single thing to do, you can really grow bored with staring at the walls around you. Even when you have the hobbies you like at your disposal, they can often grow bleak and lose their charm. So, what would be your solution?
This year’s quarantine was very challenging to many students when it came to having to stay inside for months on end. After spending so much time doing the same old stuff, people are bound to try something new. That is why many of the students attending Pottsville decided to try a new hobby, eventually finding joy in it as they passed the time.
Sophomore Trinity Reedy decided to try coloring, the hobby seeming interesting to her. “Coloring helped to distract me from the fact that there was a virus changing the world around me.”

According to Neuroscience, coloring has been proved to relax you, easing your mind as it has something to focus on other than the stress around you. “Taking up coloring can help reduce stress and improve creativity in adults, a study by a researcher at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) has revealed.” It’s something that helps many students and even teachers with their stress, coming in handy when there is a global pandemic.
Sophomore Emilee Clews chose to attempt skateboarding on a penny board, the hobby bringing her joy as it gave her an excuse to go outdoors. “With Everything going on, I figured I should start something new. I saw lots of ads for penny boards, and thought why not give it a try?”

Penny boarding is an activity that students can try and have fun with. Keeping minds content while exercising in the outdoors. With being cooped up in quarantine, it’s not surprising that students wanted any excuse they could have to get outside in the sun. Penny boarding is a skill that could not only relieve stress but help with transportation as well.
Every student can deal with boredom, so why not choose to do something new in order to do away with it. Whether it’s drawing or helping your parent or guardian with cooking, it never hurts to try something new. Did you try any new hobbies during quarantine? Let the ETC staff know in the comments below!