Keanu was pretty good

Keanu was pretty good

Within the past week, comedians Keegan Michael Key and Jordan Peele have released their first full-length feature film, Keanu. After a long career in television together, the two came together to produce a crime movie about an adorable little kitten that gets caught up in a drug game. While there is a lot more to the movie than that, the trailer gives away everything you need to know – two guys trying to get a cat back by pretending to be gangsta.

The premise of the movie is fairly simple, but through intelligent comedy, insightful commentary on racial issues and an adorable kitten that the movie is named after, Keanu turns out to be a decent film, certainly worth watching.

There are only a few problems with the movie. For a good portion of the second and third acts, the cat is nowhere to be seen. Another is not even really a problem, but this movie definitely deserves its R rating due to its risqué humor and gross out scenes. The rest of the movie was fairly enjoyable.

Apart from the cute little kitty, the comedy just worked. After years of Comedy Central’s Key and Peele, the duo has almost perfected their comedic interactions. This connection between the lead actors made the movie, and if anyone else had played the roles, it would have felt like something was missing.

All in all, Keanu just feels like an extended Key and Peele sketch, and for fans of the show, that is a good thing. For those who have not seen the show, it is still an enjoyable experience. The movie harks back to several crime movies as well as a few buddy cop movies, and although it is not a blatant parody, the comedic elements in this film separate it from all of the other bland movies. Keanu receives an 8.5/10.