Girls Soccer takes district title, loses final round

Courtesy of Elena Holden

The team celebrates when they hear the buzzer as they won Pottsville’s first soccer district title. The PAHS girls soccer team played Southern Lehigh in the district game.

The Pottsville Area High School girls soccer team won their first district title over Southern Lehigh 1-0.

“It’s hard to realize that high school is over because I will never get those memories again with my team, ” senior Abby Woodford said. “It felt great knowing that we were the first team for both boys and girls soccer to win a district title. My favorite part about being on the girls soccer team has to be all the memories I have made.”

The girls soccer team in the year 2021-2022 won in leagues. They unfortunately lost at districts.

“There are numerous emotions running through my head about high school soccer being over,” senior Livia Hable said. “I have been playing with a majority of these girls for years, and it’s surreal that I’ll never play this sport with them again. Words can never begin to describe how amazing it is to win our first district title. We have worked so hard for a moment like that and it finally paid off. Simply just being around these girls for years has been my favorite part of the soccer team. We all have grown as people and athletes together, and we are so very close with one another.”

Senior Morrighain Nyer said, “It’s very bittersweet knowing that this was my last year playing high school soccer, I had tons of fun with all of the girls and I am proud of the team’s accomplishments,” senior Morrighain Nyer said. “It was amazing to finally win since we had also been so close the past few years. Getting to know the girls and building a bond as a team was my favorite part of being on this team. I have been playing soccer since my sophomore year.”

This team moved on to play in the first round of state playoffs at North Schuylkill against Greencastle Antrim. Greencastle Antrim first scored with 32 minutes left and again at 17 minutes. Pottsville scored with 16 minutes left. Greencastle Antrim scored the last goal of the game to end it winning 3-1.

“Honestly Tuesday night I did not know what to expect,”Woodford said. “I knew the team we were facing was really good but either way I just went into the game with a positive mentality.”

“I went into the game expecting the best and even though we didn’t win I’m still very proud of how the team played this game and the entire season, said Nyer.”

The seniors knew it may be their last game playing with their team but they enjoyed the game. Although they didn’t win that game they won districts for the first time in Pottsville history, which is a big deal.
“Going into this game, I knew it was a possibility this would be my last time playing with my teammates, Hable said. “ I was ideally just hoping to do my best and put everything out on the line. It makes me sad we didn’t win, but it is an incredible feeling knowing this is the farthest the girls soccer team has gotten, or any Pottsville soccer team for that matter.”