Preparations for end of year Carnival
On the day of the carnival students get to go outside and enjoy the 2 ½ hour event known as the Crimson Carnival. Students enjoy hanging out with each other especially with the seniors before they leave. Senior Jason Fermaintt said “It’s pretty fun. All the activities the staff put together are really cool. And I like how it’s something everyone can agree on so nobody is left out.”
On Thursday May 12th, PAHS hosts the Crimson Carnival. The carnival is a reward for students demonstrating positive behavior throughout the 4th marking period. The carnival will entail a variety of food, refreshments, games, and music.
The Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Program funds the carnival. Throughout the year, the committee holds various fundraisers so that students can be rewarded for their positive behaviors. The carnival is the main event of the year. Students qualifying for the carnival are permitted to wear athletic wear, enjoy food, games and other activities for their accomplishments.
Mr. Raymond Yost said, “The carnival is a great way for administration, teachers and staff to demonstrate their appreciation for our students’ positive behaviors throughout the year. I feel the carnival is the best event of our school year.”
In preparation for the carnival, the committee meet to decide on different types of activities for the carnival. The committee contacted food truck vendors to serve food the day of the event. Teachers and staff offered suggestions to make the carnival a success.
Some of the events lined up for the day are inflatable interactive games, faculty vs. student kickball, dodgeball tournaments, human hungry hippo, dunk tank, pie eating contests, caricatures, various field games, a live band, and more. There will be Heisler’s ice cream, a grill station and a fried novelty food truck.