Anniversary of a Mexican holiday

This holiday affects lots of the indigenous and mixed ancestry of Mexicans. Senior Dominique Perez thought the significance of the Battle of Puebla was the “biggest battle fought and the turning point for independence.” The holiday is meaningful to her as its heritage day for her family.
Cinco de Mayo is a holiday on the fifth of May. The holiday is mostly known for its food of the Mexican trade, and tacos, guacamole, and adult alcoholic beverages.
It’s a misunderstanding that Cinco was a Mexican Independence Day, it was actually to celebrate a battle. The battle of Puebla in 1862, where the Mexicans won victory over the French.
“I personally don’t celebrate it but I believe it should be talked about in culture/history classes more” said Sydney Heffron sophomore. This clarifies that not a lot of students don’t know the real meaning behind Cinco De Mayo.
A freshman Elleijah Rosario said “The French fought Mexico because they didn’t pay back their debt”.
Rosario is right in the inference of paying back debt. In 1861, a lawyer, also a tribe member in Zapotec. The country was in financial distress at the time and couldn’t pay the European government.
In reaction France, Britain and Spain sent forces to deal with the situation. In Veracruz, Mexico they demanded payment and Britain and Spain arranged with Mexico and withdrew their forces.
France did not, they decided to use the situation to make an empire of Mexican territory. They sent a fleet to Veracruz, certain that the victory would be sweet and swift. In response 2,000 loyal men fought against them with little supplies and were outnumbered against the French.They won, sending the French running with fewer than 100 Mexicans killed.