The Crowning of the Homecoming Court
On Friday, October 12, the 2018 Homecoming Court was crowned at halftime of the varsity football game. Seniors Samantha Day and Bernie Guzick won the titles of queen and king, and they were crowned by the 2017 winners, Marielle Przywara and Max Kelly.

Seniors Lily Joyce and Zac Tobin make their way to the center of the track during the Homecoming coronation. Joyce and Tobin were the second-runners up in the Homecoming Court. “I was super honored to have gotten top three for homecoming this year, the competition was really tough. I had a really good time running. It was a great experience running with my friends. I’m very happy that my peers were able to think about me during voting.”

Senior Michael Johnson-Ponce escorts senior Roberta Harris down the track. Johnson-Ponce and Harris were the first-runners up for the Homecoming Court. “I was a little disappointed since everyone told me that I was going to win, but considering I got second place without doing any self-promotion, I felt pretty good,” Johnson-Ponce said.

The 2018 Homecoming Court poses for the crowd at the October 12 varsity football game. Senior Samantha Day and Bernie Guzick were crowned the 2018 Homecoming king and queen. “When I won, I was so thankful because I put a lot of time into campaigning and overall just happy to have the experience,” Day said. “It was honestly one of the best experiences I’ve ever had being crowned, and I was blessed to have so many people there supporting me.”