Teacher Tales: Ms. Bosch

Ms. Bosch is our new science teacher here at DHHL. You can find her in room 212. Her favorite color is blue because she loves the ocean, and that is her favorite place to be. She went to Shippensburg University and Wilson College.

If she was not a teacher at DHHL, she would start her own business or be a cosmetologist. She loves to play basketball and volleyball.

Ms. Bosch loves to read and she also likes to crochet. Her favorite holiday is Christmas because she loves winter and has a lot of fun memories from that day. She loves elephants! Her birthday is April 21. Her favorite season is fall. If she didn’t live in Pennsylvania, she would live in Florida, because she likes the warm weather they have there.

She has one pet, a dog named Oliver. I hope you liked learning about Ms. Bosch!