March marks the beginning of Women’s History Month. It takes place throughout the whole month. The month is dedicated to celebrating all the amazing things women do and their attributions to our society. A fun fact about Women’s history month is that it used to be celebrated for only a week out of the month, and took many years to be federally recognized.
When looking around our school, there are many extraordinary women that work to keep our school, clubs, and classes running smoothly. One student that comes to mind during Women’s History Month is senior, Shaina Schmitt. Schmitt is a role model in many different ways at PAHS, she is vice president of Mini-Thon, and an editor for publications. She is a kind and smart student who is always sure to help out fellow students, she also helps younger students in the pub finish assignments, while also playing a big part in our yearbook.
Maya Johnson, a senior also is a great student to be recognized during Women’s History Month. Johnson is an editor and writer for Tidelines. She’s the President of the band and she also participates in choir and swimming.
Teachers and staff members also come to mind during the topic of women’s history month. We have amazing women staff who work hard to keep the school safe, clean, organized and fun. Mrs. Hummel is the principal at our school and is a great role model. She is kind, friendly, and overall a great principal. Our office ladies work hard to keep our school safe and make sure the school students are taken care of. We also have many women custodians and lunch ladies who work hard all day to keep the school clean and our students fed.
So during the month of March or any month please be appreciative of the hard working women around you. Our school is full of amazing women who are extraordinary and talented. They work hard everyday and should be recognized for their attributions to our school.