As of recently numbers show that PAHS is declining in students who take AP classes. Without students participating, the classes will soon be removed and not be available on the class course list. There are a number of reasons students are choosing to not take the classes. The challenge, price, and time can be an issue when deciding to take these harder classes.
AP classes are known for their challenging aspects and higher learning level. Students take AP classes that usually follow with their future major or education. But many students are now following different career paths and AP classes are declining. For example Ap English Language taught by Mr. Smink. This year during scheduling he spoke to students about this issue and urged students to push themselves in AP classes.
The second issue is the expenses that come along with the classes. Many AP classes require a fee to participate in the class since they count as college credits. They are usually around 100 dollars but can range lower. Students can benefit from taking them in high school so they can take less classes in college where expenses can be higher.
Lastly students need to create good time management skills if they plan on taking AP classes. For some students this can be very hard. Many students struggle to juggle home life, school, and also work. Taking these classes is an added challenge to their life. AP classes take lots of time and effort but can be achievable with hard work.
Although these classes are higher level and require more work, students will benefit a lot from these classes. They count as college credits and are with teachers you will already be familiar with. They make you push yourself to achieve big goals. So when scheduling classes next year, think about taking an AP class.