PAHS is a very diverse and varied school and with that all different types of music tastes in our student body. There is no song, band, or album that is better than another. Every genre of music is unique and good in its own way. I interviewed students to see the diversity of music taste in our school. The students chosen came from band, athletics, the drama club, and cheer. Students were chosen this way to see if different social groups affect a person’s music interests.
The first group was the cheer girls. The question asked was “What is your favorite music genre?” Their answers were very similar. One third of them said country music was their favorite and the other two thirds decided on pop music. I spoke with Lila’s Evan’s further on this topic and she told me, “the cheer team usually listens to a mix of music but we really like pop music and all the popular artists at the moment”. Next group interviewed was a band. This group when interviewed had a very different opinion than cheer. Some of the band members spoken to are Spencer Prestelio 9th grade, Jake Powers 10th grade, Anela Schuttler 10th grade, and Jailene Grajeda 12th grade. Spencer said pop music is his favorite. Jake chose Jazz, Anela said rock music, and Jailene chose indie rock. Band so far had the most diverse music taste.
The Third group interviewed was drama. This time as well as asking their favorite genre I asked their favorite song. Anna Luckenbill was the first person to answer that her favorite song is “Lost in Hollywood.” Miichael Prestelio said he likes Alternative rock and his favorite song is “This Ain’t a Scene It’s An Arm Race.” Many people who do band also participate in drama and both groups have similar music types but also show the unique personalities of each person.
Track athletes had a lot to say about their favorite music. Coming into the interview I expected this group of people to have very similar music tastes. Emma Sophy who runs the 400, 200, and high jump told me she likes rap the most,but her favorite song is “Some” by Steve Lacy. Rhyan Brennan also said her favorite is rap but cannot choose a favorite song. Lastly Cullen Clarke also told me his favorite was rap. Overall the band and drama were most diverse while track and cheer both shared similar music interests.