Foreign Language Honors Society is a great honor for students at PAHS. To be inducted means you’ve tried hard to fully immerse yourself in the Spanish, French, and German language. Juniors and seniors are inducted depending on what level of language you are at.
The ceremony begins with level 4 language students talking about the language. The inductees will line up on stage with their unlit candles and recite a line in their respective languages to have the candle lit. For example, the line recited in French was “L’homme qui sait deux langues, en vaut deux,” which means the man who knows two languages is worth two.
“The ceremony is a great way to showcase us students who have worked really hard in the class, and I think the candle lighting is a great symbol for that,” said Junior Jules Scharockman.
After the ceremony is over, students will get pins and certificates to prove that they’ve been in the language honors society. The next day at school all participating students will receive a breakfast with donuts and juice to celebrate their accomplishment.