Sophomore and Junior year is the year many students at PAHS test for their permits and licenses. This is a major moment in students’ lives but with the excitement comes preparation and safety. Our school does an excellent job preparing and informing students on safety.
Our school has a driving program where students participate in a driving simulation. This activity prepares students to face real life situations in a driving setting. Junior Jules Sharockman received her license in August 2024. She did the driving simulation her sophomore year. “The diving simulator is very similar to driving an actual car. It made me more confident to drive because it gave me previous experiences,” she said. PAHS also informs students about the dangers of drinking and driving. Last year, during the PBIS day, the school had an interaction game show about drunk driving. The game show had students participate in groups by answering questions.
Sophomore Gianna LaSelva recently got her permit in November 2024. She began practicing for the permit test a month in advance. To take the permit test you must go to your local DMV, (Department of Motor Vehicles). The process requires a birth certificate and recent physical.
It’s always important to make sure to drive safely for your own safety and others on the road. Be careful in all weather conditions, stay under the speed limit, and don’t drive under the influence.