Seasonal Depression is not something new to PAHS. A lot of students experience some type of depression because it is always during the “final stretch” of the school year. Seasonal depression is when you feel depressed during the winter season. Mental health professionals call this “Seasonal Affective Disorder” or SAD.
It typically lasts from August to February and students are heavily affected. Burn out happens consistently with seniors. Due to seniors being under so much pressure and stress with scholarships and college acceptances they start to feel the “senioritis.” A term that means a decline in motivation or performance as they near the end of the school year.
“Burn out wasn’t bad for me until after we got back from Christmas break. When I came back to school, I just lost all my motivation entirely and it is harder to focus when I am ready to graduate and be done,” said Senior Connor McGowan.
Season Depression doesn’t just affect seniors. It affects everyone at all ages. But it is important to know that help is available all around you and to take that help if you think you may need it.