Students to attend career fair

Students from PAHS received information from a local business at the career fair on April 26, 2022. The career fair allows for many students to figure out what they want to do in the future.

To show the students of PAHS what career path they can choose from is the purpose of the career fair. The career fair will occur at Martz Hall for the junior and senior classes on Thursday, April 20th. 

The career fair includes many job opportunities for students in high school. Businesses come from across Schuylkill County to show students different options for their futures. Students have the opportunity to talk to employees in order to get more information about their company. Each business has their own stand. They tend to have informational pamphlets or papers for those interested.

“I like going to the career fair a lot,” senior Youssef Amin said. “It allows me to see where I could potentially work in the future. I definitely think this is a good opportunity for students to see what jobs are available.”

“I think the career fair is inspiring as it opens up a variety of opportunities for students,” junior Olivia Peleschak said. “It also allows us to get a better understanding of what we might want to do after high school.”

American Job Center network sponsors the Pennsylvania Career Link career fairs. It is a collaboration project between many career services, agencies, and businesses to provide a career to Pennsylvania citizens. Many businesses and service organizations plan to attend like the Pottsville Bureau of Police, SARCC, Heim Construction, State Corrections, Dept. of Corrections, and the Air Force, Army, Marines, and Navy branches.

“I will not be attending the career fair this year but I heard it is a fun way to know what jobs are available,” junior Emma Eckley said. “Many students look for a job and search for whatever is available. Especially with the summer coming, I feel the career fair can help a lot of people.”

“I am excited to see what the career fair has to offer,” junior Ava Bowers said. “I have not seen what it looks like but I heard it is just like the college fair we had earlier this year.” 

“The career fair really allows me to see what careers are out there that are in Schuylkill County, senior Gwen Biddle said. “I really think it’s a great opportunity for students to see how they can come back to their roots and make a living where they came from,” Biddle said.

If you can not attend the career fair and want to attend the next one that is happening, additional information can be found on the Pennsylvania CareerLink website. The Pennsylvania CareerLink has over 160,000 total jobs available with new jobs coming every day.