Students Learn About Diversity, Stigma, and Acceptance

On Friday March 8, every student from the high school was given a presentation called ‘Diversity, Stigma, and Acceptance.’ The presentation was given by Mrs. Jess Nestor, the Accounting and Human Resource Manager of Concept Pharmacy Services and Vice President of Schuylkill Autism Society, and Mrs. Kathy Kelsch, the Clinical Director for Merakey Schuylkill Mountain Center, a Licensed Professional Counselor.


The purpose of the presentation was to educate students to be more accepting of others who may have many differences from each other. To express this idea, Mrs. Kelsch informed the students about the importance of empathy. “Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others,” said Mrs. Kelsch.


“You can demonstrate empathy by introducing yourself to someone who you see is struggling and trying to encourage them,” said senior Cheyenne Murphy.


Mrs. Nestor told the students in attendance about her son’s experiences in school as a student with autism.


“Mrs. Nestor was really thankful for all the people in the community who helped support her son and help him to live a happy life. I think it is a really good idea that all the students in the school got to hear about this,” said freshman Stephanie Dinu.


“Even though Mrs. Nestor’s son has a disability, he works at Boyer’s and is able to do well because everyone in his life helps out. My brother also has autism and, even though he’s still young, I am glad that he will have the same chance to have a job where everyone accepts him,” said freshman Caitlyn Corby.