AID holds annual Valentine’s gram sale (photo)
Juniors Tahlia Estep and Gabriella Frick look at the Valentine’s grams they received. After receiving the flowers, they showed them off to each other. “I received 14 Valentine’s grams this year. I really like that our school does this,” Frick said.
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, members of AID carried out their annual sale of Valentine’s grams, messages accompanied by a flower. Students were able to send Valentine’s grams to anyone within the school for one dollar.
“I think this is a good tradition to have at the high school because every year people look forward to getting flowers on Valentine’s Day,” senior Becca Sites, AID president, said.
Members of AID were given the task of selling at least 25 Valentine’s grams to the student body.
“It was harder to sell [Valentine’s grams] if the homeroom is small,” junior Hannah Duncan, AID member, said.
Some people who purchased Valentine’s grams sent them to a friend or significant other.
“Valentine’s grams are a good way to send a message for your friend and send a flower because who doesn’t love a flower?” Sites said.
Valentine’s grams were distributed to the recipients’ homerooms February 14.