Art Meets History

Jamilah Phillip-Johnson

“I liked the project because at the time we were learning about the labor movement in my AP US History class, so it was the perfect time.” Junior Owen Golden said about his Honors Advanced Drawing project and Jenifer J. DuBois Fabric of Unionism Art Competition entry.

Art and history go hand in hand.

For Honors Advanced Drawing, students created posters about the labor movement- which some of them were learning about in their history classes. The posters were then entered in the Jenifer J. DuBois Fabric of Unionism Art Competition, a competition showcasing the labor movement and its legacy in history. The students voted on which posters would be selected for the competition.

“I think it [the competition] gives them extra motivation,” Miss Sara Arnold, art teacher, said. “This is the first project I did with Advanced Drawing that was also a contest.”

Jamilah Phillip-Johnson
“I thought it was cool how we could connect a school art project to a little bit of history,” junior Kevin DiCello said about the project. “It was fun to try and think of cool and creative ways to make the project symbolic and nice looking.”
Jamilah Phillip-Johnson
“I liked the project because at the time we were learning about the labor movement in my AP US History class, so it was the perfect time,” junior Owen Golden said. “I had references of what I could draw.”
Jamilah Phillip-Johnson
“I liked that we got the chance to put our artwork out there for something more than school,” junior Morgan Rich said. “It made working on the project feel special.