Indian Run

Indian Run

Meet senior Morgan Murphy.

Her artwork, Indian Run, was created in her Painting 1 class. Mrs. Sara Arnold required students to use their own photographs to eventually paint.

TM: What was your favorite part about your painting?

MM: My favorite part of my painting was the water. It looks really realistic and I made sure I took the time to make it look that way.

TM: Hardest part?

MM: The hardest part had to be the plants and the trees. The colors had to be exact, not just green. The trees also had to be perfectly lined up.

TM: What is your favorite art class Pottsville Area High School has to offer?

MM: Ceramics, definitely.

TM: What art classes have you taken?

MM: So far I have taken Foundations of Art, Drawing, Advanced Drawing and Ceramics. I am currently taking Painting 1, and next semester I will be taking Ceramics and Painting 2.