Are TV ratings that big of a deal?

Everyone watches movies, but does anybody actually look to see what they are rated? Many people who watch movies disregard the rating, even if the movie is rated R and the viewer is under the recommended age.

Nowadays, ratings do not matter to most people as much as they did 20 years ago. A 12-year-old may watch an R-rated movie. Even though rated R movies are restricted for teens under 17, many kids still find ways to sneak into movie theaters.

Parents may be strict about what their young children are watching and what the programming is rated, but as the children get older and become teenagers. their parents may not care anymore what the ratings of their favorite movies or television shows are. Parents may think their children are mature and can decide for themselves what to watch.

Ratings do not affect the consumers because if one wants to watch the next episode of his favorite show and sees it is rated as being inappropriate for his age, that is not going to stop him from watching it anyway. So why are all movies and television required to be rated anymore?

Peer pressure can also be a reason why teens disregard ratings. If a popular movie scary movie is coming out and everyone is going to see it, but it is rated R, one may be pressured into going with friends. One might feel left out if she doesn’t see the film while everyone is talking about the new big movie.

For instance, when The Conjuring was released to theaters, it was a very popular movie. Many teens went to see it who technically weren’t allowed since it is rated R. Even movie theaters often do not check an I.D. to see if a customer is over 17 to get into an R-rated movie.

The government requires all movies, television shows and video games to be rated by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America). In America, the MPAA rates television shows and movies based on content. The MPAA ratings were started in 1922 to protect the film industry.

The rating system has evolved greatly since it has started; it is more laid-back than when it started. Some films can be released to television without being rated since it is not required by law.

Movies do announce their MPAA ratings, but many of people ignore them and watch whatever they want. Teens commonly feel they can decide what they are fit to watch and not watch, especially since everyone has a different standard for what they are comfortable seeing.

Overall, ratings do not matter anymore; few people seem to look at or care about them. Ratings on television shows, movies and video games do not need to exist anymore. Ratings were important at one point, but in today’s culture, they are simply outdated.