Sitting court side with Rylen Matlock

  1. What’s your name? Rylen Matlock
  2. When is your birthday? April 8th, 2005
  3. How old are you? 17
  4. Future school? Penn State
  5. Years played? 4 years 
  6. Favorite sport? Basketball 
  7. What positions do you play? Point guard/shooting guard
  8. Favorite school subject? Math 
  9. Rock, paper, scissors? Paper
  10. Favorite type of music? Pop
  11. Favorite artist? Jack Harlow 
  12. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? California 
  13.  Who’s your hero? My father 
  14. What’s your favorite movie? That’s my Boy 
  15. Favorite sports team? Duke 
  16. Favorite food? Mama Mia’s sweet pizza 
  17. What do you do outside of sports? Play basketball and hangout with my friends 
  18. Favorite animal? Dog
  19. What motivates you to work hard? The news reporters saying that blue mountain are the top dogs this year in the Schuylkill League
  20. If you could have one power what would it be? Teleportation 
  21. What’s your biggest pet peeve? Nails on a chalkboard
  22. Biggest fear? Spiders 
  23. Best high school memory? Meeting Ronald Yourey
  24. Favorite vacation spot? Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 
  25.  Are you better at golf or basketball? Basketball 
  26. Favorite spice? Cinnamon 
  27. Pancakes or waffles? Waffles 
  28. Favorite sport memory? Schuylkill League Championship 
  29. Favorite teacher? Miss. James or Mr. O’Brien 
  30. Favorite hobby? Hunting and fishing