How PAHS students spent Valentine’s Day- Photo Story

Kaylee Becker shared her Valentine’s Day with Justin Lescavage. They got donuts, ate leftover pizza, and played video games all morning. Then they exchanged gifts and celebrated Justin’s birthday all weekend. “My Valentine’s Day was really sweet and I loved getting to make the most of it considering the circumstances,” said junior Kaylee Becker. (Photo by Kaylee Becker )
Maura McDonald spent her day with her father. They went to Texas Roadhouse because it is her favorite place to go. Then Maura’s dad got her flowers and got pictures. “ It was such a good day to spend with my dad since we never go out much,” said sophomore Maura McDonald. (Photo by Maura McDonald)
The Lascala’s went to get Dunkin Donuts on Valentine’s Day. Becky Lascala on the left, Emily Lascala in the middle, and Grace Lascala on the right. Then the three had lobsters for dinner to end the day. “I did not do much on Valentine’s Day but at least I spent it with my sisters,” said sophomore Emily Lascala (Photo by Emily Lascala)
Alyssa Goodman and Jeff Coulson celebrated their Valentine’s Day by going to eat at Olive Garden. Then they went home and stopped at a place called Plum Creek to get some ice cream. “It was an amazing night,” said sophomore Alyssa Goodman. (Photo by Alyssa Goodman)