Mya McGeoy’s “Dogs Make the Best Pets” and “The Best Easter Candy”


Dogs Make the Best Pets

by Mya McGeoy

First, dogs are playful. When you throw a ball, they will run and catch it. When you pet them, they will lick you. When you play with dogs and get them wild, they will run around in a circle.

Next, dogs are easy to take care of. Give them food and water. Let them outside. Groom them with a brush.

Last, dogs are good for helping. They help people who are blind. They help people who can’t hear. They will help the policemen. This is why dogs make the best pets.

The Best Easter Candy

by Mya McGeoy

The best Easter candy is a box of Peeps. First, I love the fluffy marshmallow and the sugary coat on the outside. Next, a Peep can be a bunny or a chick. The bunnies are bigger than the chicks. Last, Peeps are a common Easter candy to find around Easter. You can find them at a supermarket or a candy store. This is the best Easter candy!